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The King's Karma: A Short Fantasy Romance Page 3

  Huffing more of his hot rancid breath he laughed. “Come. He will be pleased.” He commanded pulling her to stand.

  Using all of her strength she tried to use her new position to pull her arm from his grip. The attempt angered him. Pulling her close until she was pressed against its disgusting body he gave her a vile look.

  “Maybe I have little taste?” He asked tauntingly as he pulled at the material of her shirt. With tears in her eyes, she struggled wildly in vain against the painful grip of her arm. “He will not know.” The creature laughed as his hand settled over her breast.

  “You will…” The ogre’s words stopped abruptly.

  A pale white hand appeared partly over the creature’s face digging its long pale claws into his face before snapping the ogre’s head back. With the ogre’s grip loosened on her arm, Ishtar stumbled backward nearly falling to the ground. Frozen she watched the ogre let out a gurgling noise as if there was fluid trapped in its throat. Stumbling to the side the large beast shook the ground as it fell to its knees.

  The owner of the pale hand stood next to the foul beast staring directly at her. Too stunned to move Ishtar weakly stared back at the pale figure of the demon King. Where there should be eyes was now just two bright pools of endless crimson red. Never taking his own gaze from hers, he snatched the ogre’s head back impossibly far until she could hear the snap of his bones. Narrowing his red gaze at her, Suros grabbed the monster by the neck and ripped out its throat.

  Feeling her legs go numb Ishtar sank to the ground. Walking around the ogre’s mutilated body, Suros stopped in front of her, his clawed hand dripping dark almost-black blood from the ogre. Ishtar, she could not see his pupils just an endless demonic red, but she knew without a doubt he was looking at her. Multiple footsteps followed by the sound of breaking tree limbs interrupted the deafening silence between them as the soldiers came running through the tree line to a halt. Frightened, more tears streamed down her face as she noticed she was being surrounded by the King’s men. She wanted to know what they are going to do to her but she was too afraid to ask.

  One soldier stepped forward and handed the King a damp cloth. Never taking his burning gaze from hers, Suros wiped the blood off his hands before handing the soiled cloth back to the soldier.

  Movement out of the corner of her eye brought her attention to another soldier, this one having thick red hair braided down his back, picking up her nearby fallen bag.

  Panicking she quickly stood up, wincing at the pain in her arm where the ogre grabbed her. “What are you doing? That is mine!” She protested, fearful they were going to take her things.

  As if shocked to hear her voice the man’s eyes widened for a moment as he met her gaze directly. Awkwardly she shifted under his trance like stare, as he silently handed back her fallen bag.

  “Get the horses and prepare to leave.” Suros’s deep command immediately called the surrounding men to action. As quickly as they came, the soldiers disappeared back into the forests.

  Alone with the demon King, Ishtar clutched her satchel tighter to her bodice like a shield as Suros stepped closer. Giving her a long slow look Ishtar noticed with a shaky exhale that his eyes had returned to normal. No longer were they pools of red fire but simply their normal ruby like stare with narrow dark pupils studying her every move.

  The mounting fear inside of her broke past her caution. “I will not go with you,” she exclaimed putting all her strength behind her shaky words.

  Dangerously his eyes narrowed at her rebellion, glittering fair warning to tread carefully. Still, as stone, the tall demon stared at her unmoving, only his long silver-white hair moving occasionally in the wind.

  “And when the temple is attacked again?” He paused his question meaningfully. “Because it will be,” he continued cruelly. “What will you do? What will you do when the monks are killed in front of you? When the nuns are stripped and violated, and if there is any mercy amongst their attackers, eventually killed?”

  Tears streamed down her face, with her hand pressed over her mouth she had to stifle a cry. His words were monstrous and cruel, they evoked images she never once pictured in her life. The thought of Vesta… No, she couldn’t bear the thought. Shaking her head, she backed away from the wolf. She wanted to run, but she knew with without a moment’s doubt he would catch her. Dauntingly he stepped forward, not only closing the gap she made but stepping closer until she was forced to look up at him, a move that symbolized so much. Looking down the bridge of his nose his impassive sculpted face revealed nothing and everything all at once. She was trapped by this wolf.

  Startled by the sudden warm pressure gently gripping her face Ishtar’s heart slammed against her chest with the rapid beats as he held her jaw with one clawed hand.

  “But none of that will happen little one, you are coming with me.” His cold voice was almost soft, while his cool expression remained unchanged.

  Crying silently Ishtar stood stiffly in his grasp as she met his gaze defiantly through her tears. “So I guess I should be grateful that I will only be violated by you, my Lord.”

  The deep bone shaking growl emanated from his chest as his predatory gaze bore into hers with growing brightness. The slight twitch of the muscle above his lip hinted at a suppressed snarl though the grip on her face did not tighten in retaliation. Gripping the satchel tighter she tried to suppress her trembling fear at the anger in his eyes.

  Releasing her, he stepped back and turned his head to the soldiers returning through the trees guiding the horses. Lifting one pale hand Suros snapped his fingers. A large black horse, larger than the rest, broke free from a soldier’s grasp and trotted forward stopping in front of the King obediently.

  “We are leaving,” Suros announced.

  Effortlessly Suros pulled himself on top of the large horse as his men mounted their own. Surrounded now Ishtar looked up at the men on horseback with wide, fearful eyes, never in her life had she felt so small and powerless as she did at this moment. Sitting straight and tall on his horse Suros walked his horse next to her and held out his hand.

  Clutching her satchel tighter against her chest she took a step back with tears streaming down her face. No, she didn’t want to go anywhere with this cruel man, she wanted to stay here, she just wanted things to go back to normal. Looking around to the soldiers she searched pleadingly for a glimmer of mercy in their eyes only to have her heart plummet as they avoided her gaze. Looking back up at the intense deep red stare Ishtar thought of all the people at the temple, her friends and some that were even like family. She couldn’t subject them to another attack.

  Shakily she lifted her hand to his.

  Like a steel trap, his clawed fingers closed around her hand sending her one clear message. He would never let her go.

  Chapter 5

  The ride was long and hard. Never having ridden a horse before Ishtar felt every discomfort of the rough terrain. Forced to sit across the saddle rather than astride she did her absolute best to maintain her distance from the wolf, but with each passing moment, her body ached more.

  A firm pressure on her shoulder pushed her back until the distance she worked so hard to maintain between herself and him was obliterated. Pressed against his firm chest and leather armor Ishtar could not only hear but feel the deep rumblings of his deep voice.

  “Relax,” Suros commanded evenly. “You will only hurt yourself if you fight against it.”

  Maybe it was because his words felt like they were talking about much more than the ride or maybe it was because he was right, but either way, she lost the battle holding back her tears. With her face pressed against his chest, her body sagged against his as she let out her sobs. Eventually, her cries faded into low sniffs and her thoughts began to plague her exhausted mind.

  She was never going to see her home again; this fact was becoming clearer with every hour that passed by. What would life entail now? Thinking of Suros’s words back at the temple last night her heart filled with icy fear. This
unmovable chest she was pressed against, these hard arms that were encasing her as he led his horse, these were things she would all feel again, touching her, using her body against her will. Clutching at the leather armor she buried her face deeper into the rough material, she hated this man.


  Silence and stillness woke her. Surprised she was able to fall asleep on such a rough journey, Ishtar pushed herself from the nestled position she made on Suros’s chest. Ashamed at her own lack of willpower she avoided his gaze and looked around. They had stopped seemingly for the night, judging by the soldiers dismounting and making camp. It was almost dark out, the sky was a dark gray with hints of dark cobalt blue. From what she could see they were making camp near the forest’s edge on top of a large hill that overlooked a vast open terrain. Sadly, she realized she had no idea where she was or what direction her home was. Digging her nails into her palm, she forced herself with sheer pain not to give into her tears. How could she have been so careless? She should have stayed awake to see the direction they took so she can know how to get back. Now she was truly and utterly lost.

  Noticing they were still sitting on the now motionless horse, Ishtar reluctantly looked up, immediately regretting her decision. Meeting her gaze Suros gave her a perceptive look as if he knew exactly what she had been thinking. Not saying a word, he easily swung down from his horse. Without asking he put his hands firmly around her waist lifting her off the horse. Surprised by the sudden movement Ishtar reflexively reached out to clutch at his shoulders. Once she felt the ground beneath her feet, she stepped back putting space between herself and him.

  Handing her the satchel that was tied to the saddle he turned and walked away without a word. Narrowing her gaze at his retreating form she angrily wrung the material of her satchel in her hands. By the goddess, she hated that man! She wanted to scream, kick, or throw something at him anything to show him just how much she hated him. But she knew she couldn’t, because though she was mostly unsure of the wolf she was positive on one thing— she was afraid of him.

  “My Lady,” the sudden voice behind her caused her to jump.

  Turning around she gave the equally surprised soldier a startled look.

  Holding up his hands he offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry my Lady I didn’t mean to scare you.” His voice was soft and pleasant, matching the gentleness of his easy smile. “My name is Rodis, I am the King’s captain.” When she made no reaction to his explanation he hurried to continue. “I want to show you where we will be setting up and where you can rest for the evening.”

  Nodding she had no choice but to follow him to the small clearing within a cove of trees. Energized movement filled the large area, from men feeding and taking care of the horses to men setting up camp and starting a fire.

  “Here,” Rodis stopped in front of a large tree with what looked to be a bedroll and a blanket neatly folded at the base of the tree. “You may sit and rest here for the night.”

  Nodding she held her satchel tighter and avoided his gaze.

  There was a moment of awkward silence before he spoke. “… Okay then, I will let you rest,” Ishtar could hear the sigh of resignation in his voice. “If you need anything please let me know.”

  Her freedom! That was what he could give her she screamed in her mind. Ishtar refused to even look at the soldier as he walked away— no matter how nice he was being. The memory of him turning his gaze away as she silently pleaded for someone to help her earlier that morning still resonated freshly on her mind.

  Hesitantly she sat on the bedroll with her satchel still gripped firmly in her hand stiffly watching the activity around her. Despite her feelings towards the soldiers, there was still that deep longing that settled within her as she watched them laugh and talk amongst each other. She wanted that again, she would give anything to be back with the nuns and monks. Now all she could do was regret that she didn’t appreciate her quiet, mundane life more when she had it. Instead of staring off into the sky from her secret spot on the roof wishing for a life of adventure she should have been grateful for what she did have.

  Blinking back the tears she idly stared at some of the soldiers coming and going through the trees carrying small pails of water. There must be a stream or water source nearby. Looking back to the clearing she noticed that none of the soldiers were paying any attention to her, they were so focused on their assigned task they hardly looked up. Leaning forward she did her best to see the far side of the clearing just beyond her line of sight, Suros was nowhere to be seen. Opening her satchel, she removed her simple bone tooth comb and a handful of other items. Getting up from her spot she paused before looking around for anyone to notice, not receiving any attention she walked into the dark tree line behind her.

  The forest was dark and intimidating. Even though the temple was surrounded by forest, she nor anyone else was allowed to go outside at night— and for good reason. Planning to stick to the tree line until she made her way to the area she witnessed the soldiers with the pails of water, Ishtar slowly began walking.

  “My Lady.” The warning tone of Rodis’s voice stopped her. Turning around Rodis was standing behind her alert and ready, and with a strained expression. “My Lady please don’t try to run.”

  Angry Ishtar clutched at her things in her hand to keep from throwing them. Lifting her chin, she met his gaze directly, something she would never have done with Suros. “I am not running, though I have every right to,” she said indignantly. “I have been forced from my home, attacked by a monster, captured by a wolf, and forced to ride a horse all day.” With every detail, she added she could hear her voice begin to crack a little from the strong front she started with, as her emotions threaten to break free. “I am tired and sore, and I would at least like to find some water to freshen myself.” Not to mention relieve herself she inwardly added, but he didn’t need to know that much information.

  Lifting his hand to scratch the back of his head Rodis visibly relaxed. “I do apologize, my Lady, I should’ve considered your needs.” Giving her a gentle smile he continued. “If you follow me I will show you a private spot that should accommodate you.”

  Following Rodis, he escorted her a little deeper into the woods where the moon’s light barely touched the forest floor. The gentle trickle of water from the narrow stream was the only sound in the thick, undisturbed silence. Not even a cricket’s chirp or an owl’s hoot could be heard.

  “This should be fine,” Rodis pointed to the designated area near the stream. Pulling his sword from his sheath, Ishtar’s eyes widened at the sound of metal gliding across metal. “I rather not be caught off guard,” he answered her shocked expression. “I’ll be standing right here.”

  With his back towards her, facing the dark forest, Rodis stood guard. Inwardly she protested his proximity knowing he would be able to hear everything, glancing around the dark woods she decided this was the wisest option.

  Discreetly and in sections she removed her clothes and washed herself with a cloth she had in her bag. Running the course cloth along the homemade soap, Ishtar dipped it into the cold stream making quick work of her rudimentary bath. Combing out her hair Ishtar stared into the dark forests as far she could see until her eyes stopped at the wall of nocturnal black allowing her to see no more. She shivered. The forest was so quiet, so still, was she the only one that noticed it? Looking over her shoulder, she saw Rodis’s alert figure constantly scanning the trees with his sharp sword in hand. He sensed it too, that unnerving feeling as if there was something out there scaring away the forest’s night life, something at the top of the food chain— something watching.

  Standing deep within the blanket of the forest’s shadows just beyond the human sphere of sight, Suros stared at the young demoness. She was beyond any of his expectations.

  Gentle and naïve was not an apt enough description, by the gods, he wasn’t prepared for the wide-eyed innocence shining back at him through bright green eyes. Everything about her made his blo
od roar and his body ache to be buried deep within her listening to her beautiful cries. Letting his eyes trace over her exposed neck as she combed her hair he recalled the soft feel of her in his hands. Soft, so beautifully soft, it made him wince in pain at the restraint he tried to maintain. She was like velvet in his hands. It took every damn drop of his control to keep from crushing her small soft body to his and exploring just how far that softness went.

  Watching her gather her things and follow Rodis back to camp, Suros narrowed his gaze at the memory of her crying against him, how eventually her tears subsided and exhaustion overtook her. Holding the small woman in his arms, he could hardly believe it. When he first heard the stories of her kind he was naturally intrigued and soon he found himself compulsively collecting any story or shred of evidence to their existence. Years of disappointing searches after another began to seed doubt throughout his mind, but the stories were true, and he found his prize. Now his only goal was to get her back behind the walls of his kingdom.


  The clearing was quiet with only the low murmur of talking from a few soldiers. With some men sleeping and others patrolling the perimeter that only left a few men circled around the campfire.